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Survive the Infection

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Platform: Windows PC


Engine: Unity3D


Language: C#


Tools Used: Unity3D, Visual Studio


Duration: 4 months (Ongoing)


Completion: TBD


Role: Concept, Level Design, Prop  placement, Gameplay Scripting, Combat design.

Project Overview:

The player must travel to an infected jungle to stop the spread of a dangerous infection. If the infection is not contained in the small quarantine areas then the infected will wreak havoc on the entire planet and consume it for it's greater goal in conquering the galaxy.

Features I worked on and built for Survive the infection - demo


Game and Level Design

  1. Playtest and bug fixed

  2. Combat design (AI functionality, player/enemy shooting)

  3. Survival Timer (countdown timer)

  4. Health System

  5. Audio manager (created BGM and other sound effects)

  6. Menu design

  7. Intro to splash screen and loading screen

  8. UI design (player Icon, health bar, enemy health bars)

  9. Player/enemy animation rigging (Made them work properly. Did not create the animations)


  1. Player/enemy combat  (player/enemy shooting functionality)

  2. Health system 

  3. Timer system (Countdown timer to change levels)

  4. Combat design 

  5. Level transition (when timer hits 0, level changes and difficulty will progress. currently goes to credits)

  6. Menus button functionality (menu transitions)

  7. Sound effects manager

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